My creative rules

Over the years I've established some core values and beliefs around being a creative professional. Each one is a result of successes and/or failures and the list is forever evolving. 

1. i'm forever a WIP

I will never stop learning, experimenting, growing, expanding, taking risks, making mistakes, etc. You aren't truly living if you aren't always trying to be better.

2. Own it!

When I am given a job, project, goal, etc. I take it as my own and put my all into it. If I screw up, it's on me and I do my best to make sure that I'm accountable, I fix it and do whatever I can in my power not to do it again. Mistakes are our best teachers.

3. collaborate

The absolute best results come when everyone is contributing. We all have strengths and weaknesses so we need to rely on and support each other. Let people in, listen to them and let their strengths shine. You will see amazing things happen and have equally amazing experiences.

4. Be adaptable and open-minded

Life will throw you curveballs, this I guarantee. You can either be inflexible and miserable or you can see the opportunities life is providing. I choose to go with the flow.

5. Avoid Subjectivity

My perspective is only one perspective. In the creative industry there isn’t ever a single viewpoint nor is there ever a single great solution. This is a tough one for sure, but I do what I can to use my creative skills combined with research and feedback to make sure my solutions are serving the correct needs.

6. be kind, gracious and grateful

Time and time again the universe has shown me that you get back what you put out there and, honestly, it just feels better to choose to be kind, gracious and grateful. When the world becomes a soul suck, I take a step back and remember all that I have.

7. It’s not about winning or losing it’s about what’s best for the team and it’s players


8. Breaking out of the box is good, but sometimes it’s more impressive when you figure out how to make the box beautiful

There are a lot of rules when it comes to being a creative. Sometimes you get to tear up those rules and go for it, but sometimes you can't. Rather than get too frustrated with the limits, see the limits as a creative challenge. Some amazing things can happen inside the box as well.